Office: 908-204-3070
After Hours: 908-766-1122
Fax: 908-204-3075
262 South Finley Ave
Basking Ridge, NJ
It takes more than school smarts to build a fulfilling life. Our culture’s relentless focus of “being impressive” places a huge burden on children that can eclipse other aspects of their development and leave them feeling anxious, disconnected, irritable or filled with self-doubt. This program offers parents do-able strategies to help children learn to temper perfectionism, build relationships, and find joy.
Sponsored by Community in Crisis, the Bernards Township Health Department, and the Bernards Township Municipal Alliance.
Guest Speaker – Author and Psychologist Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore
Monday, December 9th at 7 pm – VIRTUAL
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Questions? Email Susan Visser at